Project Based Learning
In the Project Based Learning (PBL) devXperience, teachers are strategically guided through an intense, experiential learning session that develops their capacity to effectively design and integrate PBL units to increase student learning. These sessions are unique in that participants are immersed in a PBL unit as the devXperts unpack the rationale and strategies to leverage innovative planning, instructional, and assessment strategies to engage students in interactive, highly effective learning opportunities.
PBL strategies engage students in authentic learning experiences. Student gains from properly planned and implemented PBL units are well documented and they permeate all subjects, across all levels of education. The PBL devXperience provides teachers with the capacity to master PBL techniques.
PBL at Our Core
The PBL Model
What is it?
The PBL devXperience leverages an experiential model that immerses teachers in a hands-on, interactive PBL unit.
Who is it for?
The PBL devXperience is for all teachers. Designed to expand teachers preexisting expertise, the PBL devXperience has been delivered to teachers from kindergarten through 12th grade and across all content areas.
What do you get?
Teachers work through a specially designed PBL unit to help them create a PBL unit tailored to their classroom and their content.
What is the value?
Not only do teachers leave with a ready to implement PBL unit plan, the devXperience is also strategically designed to identify key factors so that teachers can rework their other units to incorporate this evidence-based teaching strategy throughout their curriculum.
Participant Takeaways
At the PBL devX PD, participants learn how to:
Develop and incorporate driving questions as the guiding component of their unit.
Create and evaluate effective, standards-based rubrics for authentic assessment.
Identify critical scaffolding strategies to successfully navigate the differentiated classroom.
Design student entry and exit events for the PBL unit.
Cultivate a Professional Learning Network to provide additional support throughout the process.
Create detailed calendar maps that add structure and checkpoints to the implementation process.
On-Site Package Options
Research is clear that on-going support and training are critical components for effective adult learning. While we recommend always considering a year-long, or even multi-year PD package, we are willing to customize packages to meet your needs. This can be a 1-day introductory experience or it could range to our full implementation package which includes four full days of intense, in-person PD over the course of 12 months, supported with monthly online meet-ups.